Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today I took the kids sledding again. Cole loved throwing snow balls at me.

Silly boy. He only went down the hill once, and then he just wanted to play in the snow.

Jace thought that it was cool that there was ice under the snow.

Making a snow angel.

Jace's snow angel.

Shh, Cole insisted on wearing the pink boots.

Jace and I ready to go down.

Jace loves doing it all by himself now.

Such a big boy.

Love this kid. We went with Angie and her girls, it was a perfect day, no one else was there, and it wasn't cold.

1 comment:

  1. You are a sledding diva! Since I am the only one that usually comments can you change your commenting to a pop up screen? It is faster.... :)
