Saturday, August 17, 2013

Camping Up Ephraim Canyon Day 2 Evening...

A nice rainstorm came through as we were getting ready to leave fishing, and we got some nice hail too. I got Cole to take a nap when we got back to camp which was needed.

The men went out and gathered some wood, and then we all had fun chopping it.

Especially Justin

Gracie snoozing.

Macey took Jace and Avery on a walk up this huge hill.

They kept stopping and bending over and we were wondering why.

Jace came running up to me...

He picked me flowers, how sweet!

Aren't they beautiful!?!

Justin finally cut through this which he was excited about.

Daddy and Gracie

The kids got to make shrinky dinks which they love.

Gracie cheered up with an ice cream sandwich.

Justin took the kids on a ride, one by one. First up was Cole.

A beautiful rainbow came out too.

Next up was Jace.

Our camp...

Finally Gracie got a turn...

...she loved it and didn't want to get off. Nighty night!

1 comment:

  1. love the bouquet and Gracie sleepin in a camping chair!
