Saturday, August 17, 2013

Camping up Ephraim Canyon Day 2...

The kids woke up ready to explore. We have a great view at camp too!

Daddy finally gave Jace the bow and arrow that we bought when I was pregnant with him and he loves it!

Look at that arrow go!

Love the cows in the field by us.

Gracie hung over from her benadryl. She is still super sick.

The kids loved playing in the dirt.

Silly Jace, you are not a bug.

Cole likes to hide when he gets in trouble.

Gracie finally got up but wasn't feeling well.

Angie brought crafts for the kids to do.

So fun.

The men cooking breakfast...finally. They didn't get back from hunting until 10:30 or so, so we were starving.

Cole bringing his picture to me.

He was so proud.

My hubby.

Gracie taking a nap.

Jace wanted to go on the side by sides really bad.

Our view.

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