Thursday, August 8, 2013

Manila Creek Park...

Today we headed to Manila Creek Park in Pleasant Grove with our neighborhood playgroup. This park is a large pond, with a sandy beach and wading area. The kids loved it!




Gracie loved the ducks.

Cole wanted to come and join us by the ducks.

He was so excited.

As you can see from the picture it gets deeper where the ducks are... I had no clue, this was my first time there. Well, Cole ventured out there to see the ducks and he dropped. Luckily I was there and was able to get to him quick. It was scary and I got a huge gash in my foot from a huge rock, but we survived! Cole was like, "Mom, I was going to see the ducks and I fell." He did great and held his breath until I got him. Grateful we are okay!

They were all back to playing soon after.

Gracie loves playing with "boy" toys!

She had so much fun.

The boys loved it...

...and so did Gracie.

We will probably go back tomorrow with some more friends.

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